Friday, March 1, 2024

🔴 Prince Aimone of Savoy's Historic Return to Italy: A New Era for the House of Savoy

Prince Aimone of Savoy, the Duke of Aosta, has made a significant announcement that will resonate across Italy. In a speech delivered to the Unione Monarchica Italiana (Italian Monarchist Union) on New Year's Eve, the prince revealed that he and his family will be relocating to Italy early this year, marking a significant change in their residence after nearly three decades in Russia.

The Duke of Aosta, who has been the CEO of Pirelli Tyre's Nordic division and the Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to Russia since 2019, expressed his excitement about returning to his homeland. He emphasized that his family, including his wife Princess Olga and their three children, will be settling in Milan, where they will be able to participate more actively in monarchist events and support the Italian community. This move is expected to have a significant impact on the royal family's involvement in Italian affairs and their connection with the Italian people[1].

what is the significance of prince aimone's return to italy

Prince Aimone of Savoy's return to Italy marks a significant event in the history of the House of Savoy, particularly in light of the constitutional ban on the royal family's return to Italy. This ban was enacted in 1948, following the Italian monarchy's abolition, and prohibited any male members of the House of Savoy from returning to Italy. The ban was part of the country's transition to a republic and aimed to ensure that the monarchy would not be restored. Prince Aimone's decision to relocate to Italy, announced in a speech to the Unione Monarchica Italiana (Italian Monarchist Union) on New Year's Eve, signals a shift in the royal family's stance on their relationship with Italy. This move is significant because it indicates that the House of Savoy is willing to engage more actively with the Italian people and participate in monarchist events, which could potentially influence the country's political landscape. Moreover, Prince Aimone's return to Italy may have implications for the ongoing succession crisis within the House of Savoy. With two claimants, Prince Emanuele Filiberto and Prince Aimone, both descended from Victor Emmanuel II, the future of the Italian monarchy remains uncertain. Prince Aimone's return could potentially strengthen his claim to the throne, especially if he becomes more involved in Italian politics and gains support from the Italian people. Ultimately, Prince Aimone's return to Italy is a significant event that highlights the ongoing dynamics between the House of Savoy and Italy, as well as the ongoing debate over the monarchy's role in the country's political future.

what is the history of the italian monarchy

The history of the Italian monarchy dates back to the Middle Ages, with various kingdoms and states emerging and dissolving over time. The modern Kingdom of Italy was established in 1861, following the unification of the Italian peninsula under the House of Savoy. This period saw the rise of a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch, initially Victor Emmanuel II, served as the head of state with limited powers. The monarchy played a significant role in shaping Italy's history, particularly during the Risorgimento, a period of national unification and the struggle for independence from foreign rule. The Italian monarchy was characterized by a series of monarchs, each contributing to the country's development and international relations. The monarchy was closely tied to the fascist government during World War II, which led to its unpopularity and eventual abolition in 1946 through a national referendum. The last king of Italy, Umberto II, was deposed and the monarchy was replaced by a republic. The Italian royal family still exists, but they have no legal rights or formal recognition under Italian law. The family has maintained a presence in Italy, with some members actively involved in monarchist activities and events.

who were the previous kings of italy

The previous kings of Italy were: Victor Emmanuel II (1861-1878) Umberto I (1878-1900) Victor Emmanuel III (1900-1946) Umberto II (1946)


Prince Aimone and Princess Olga of Savoy with the Honour Guard at the Basilica of Superga, 2022. Photo (c) Casa Reale di Savoia.

Prince Aimone of Savoy, Duke of Aosta, will be relocating to Italy early this year. In a recorded speech to members of the Unione Monarchica Italiana (Italian Monarchist Union) on 31 December, Prince Aimone, who has lived in Russia for decades, stated that he and his wife Princess Olga, as well as their three children, will be returning to live in Italy with their home being in Milan. The Duke of Aosta noted:

For me personally, next year [2023] will be a very important year because after living for almost 30 years in Russia, I will come back to Italy. My family will already be in Milan in January, so we will have more occasions to meet and organise monarchist events that you all already do, but now with my support and the support of my family. So really best wishes to you! May 2023 be a year of peace, since 2022 has been a tough year, may the international situation be more peaceful, and may Italy not suffer too many consequences because of the rising energy prices and all the problems we are facing, and that the government is trying to face. Hopefully, we will all overcome this together. I wish you and your families a Happy New Year. Thank you. Viva l'Italia!

The 2022 Christmas Card of the Savoy children. From left to right: Prince Amedeo, Princess Isabella, and Prince Umberto. Photo (c) Casa Reale di Savoia.

When Prince Aimone of Savoy and Princess Olga of Greece wed in 2008, their civil marriage was held in Moscow at the Italian embassy. Though the couple's two sons, Prince Umberto and Prince Amedeo, and their daughter, Princess Isabella, were all born in France, the family has made its home in the Russian capital up until now. Prince Aimone is the CEO of Pirelli Tyre's Nordic division, and since 2019 the prince has served as the Ambassador of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta to Russia. 

Source: Youtube - Saluto di fine anno di S.A.R. il Principe Aimone di Savoia

As we conclude our exploration of the significant announcement by Prince Aimone of Savoy, Duke of Aosta, regarding his return to Italy, we are reminded of the profound impact this move will have on the royal family's involvement in Italian affairs and their connection with the Italian people. The Duke's decision to relocate to Italy, where his family will be based in Milan, marks a new era for the House of Savoy, as they seek to re-establish their presence in the country and engage more actively with the Italian community. This development is particularly noteworthy given the constitutional ban on the royal family's return to Italy, which was enacted in 1948 following the Italian monarchy's abolition.

As we look to the future, it is clear that Prince Aimone's return to Italy will be a significant turning point in the history of the House of Savoy. The Duke's commitment to supporting monarchist events and participating in Italian politics will undoubtedly have far-reaching implications for the country's political landscape. Furthermore, his decision to relocate to Italy underscores the enduring connection between the royal family and the Italian people, a bond that has been strengthened through generations of shared history and cultural heritage. As the Duke of Aosta settles into his new home in Milan, we can expect to see a renewed emphasis on the royal family's role in Italian affairs, and a deeper engagement with the country's politics and culture. This development is a testament to the enduring power of tradition and the enduring appeal of the House of Savoy, a symbol of Italian history and identity that continues to captivate the imagination of people around the world[1].

what is the significance of prince aimone's return to italy

Prince Aimone of Savoy's return to Italy marks a significant event in the history of the House of Savoy, particularly in light of the constitutional ban on the royal family's return to Italy. This ban was enacted in 1948, following the Italian monarchy's abolition, and prohibited any male members of the House of Savoy from returning to Italy. The ban was part of the country's transition to a republic and aimed to ensure that the monarchy would not be restored. Prince Aimone's decision to relocate to Italy, where his family will be based in Milan, signals a shift in the royal family's stance on their relationship with Italy. This move is significant because it indicates that the House of Savoy is willing to engage more actively with the Italian people and participate in monarchist events, which could potentially influence the country's political landscape. Moreover, Prince Aimone's return to Italy may have implications for the ongoing succession crisis within the House of Savoy. With two claimants, Prince Emanuele Filiberto and Prince Aimone, both descended from Victor Emmanuel II, the future of the Italian monarchy remains uncertain. Prince Aimone's return could potentially strengthen his claim to the throne, especially if he becomes more involved in Italian politics and gains support from the Italian people. Ultimately, Prince Aimone's return to Italy is a significant event that highlights the ongoing dynamics between the House of Savoy and Italy, as well as the ongoing debate over the monarchy's role in the country's political future.

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